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Updated 1,716 Days AgoPublic

Review of the original website (closed)

The TSC has undertaken to review the website and propose changes.

Some TF website review headings and criteria are listed below. Please edit this document to add review inputs. It would be helpful if you could add your initials to contributions. Version history is also tracked.

TF Website Review


  • Branding
  • Key message(s)

(EricF) trustedfirmware;org is hosting more projects now (TF-M, TF-A, OpTEE, MbedTLS and Hafnium) it should be good to advertize this by making them visible with a short description on the top page possibly pointing to a "minisite" of each of them as suggested by BillF

  • Membership

(EricF) I suggest to better expose members by renaming the menu entry "join" to "Membership"


  • Primary menu location and structure

(BillF) I suggest that the majority of users of the site will either be interested Cortex-M or Cortex-A but definitely not both. A smaller number of senior technical people will want the whole site view, and then some execs will want to see a top level summary of the project. Maybe we should move to manage these 4 user types. We could offer a quick selection of "mini-sites" for Cortex-A and Cortex-M, sitemap for expert users, and an exec overview/summary including legals etc. Mixing Cortex-A and Cortex-M throughout the site means that the menus are overloaded.
(EricF) Code and review first level menu could be grouped in a a single "developer" menu with additional links e.g to mailinglist

  • Other menus (footer)

(EricF) I find "Dashboard" naming confusing as I was more expecting a page with the analystics of the projects. (In addition the contents is pretty different between TF-A and TF-M)
(EricF) I think having both a "wiki" and "docs" second level menu in the Documentation menu can be confusing especially because the content is different per projects.

  • Other thoughts on navigation

(EricF) Phabricator has its own structure with several entry points from the menu so it is easy to get lost in the navigation and even sometime confusing

(DavidB) Usability point, if we continue to have dropdown menus, we should configure the JS library implementing them so that the menus drop down from mouse hover, and not require everything be clicked on.


  • Information about the project

(EricF) I like the content page of the TF-M Documentation/Dashboard page. In particular the box presenting the project (What is Trusted Firmware-M ?) and even more the "Useful Links" box. I think it can be a good template for the entry page of a TF-M mini-site.

(Abhishek) It will be good if all of the projects can have a similar looking mini site (rather than everyone creating independently) so I like the idea of a template for all projects.

For the mini site landing pages, can we have a layout which has most relevant info visible in the sidebar and/or tabs without needing to scroll? Something like :


  • Effective use of different fonts and sizes

(BillF) I have a note from a TSC meeting that the navigation font is too small and the content font is too large.

(EricF) Most of the second level menus e.g Documentation/dashboard content is not consistent between projects. An action to have a more homogeneous content will help users to navigate having in mind a standard map for all the project but it can be a significant effort so moving to "minisite" can mitigate this a bit
(EricF) The documentation menu does not point to the same tool for all the projects MbedTls is the only one to point on a git readme

Last Author
Last Edited
Jun 2 2020, 5:21 PM

Event Timeline

bfletcher created this object.Jun 2 2020, 5:21 PM

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