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Proposals Feedback2
Updated 1,672 Days AgoPublic

Feedback on website proposals around 15th July TSC

Received from Minos Galanakis (Arm)

//Two minor comments I would make are:

It is not quite clear from the template legend what the CTA's ( abbreviation for call to actions ) are, and why they should be separate category than the links if both are meant to be consistent. Was the intention to have consistent and uniform across projects links on top and flexible CTA's per project at the bottom?
Placing the blog links on a two-column layout, as in the attached template, significantly limits the number of characters a title can have. Usually half of that character bandwidth will go to the word Trusted-Firmware-A/M or other trademarked terms ( XX Semiconductor ltd ). This will make most news look alike and reduce user engagement with the links.

An alternative to point no2 would be to move the blog entries outside of the header in its own space. It could then be rendered using a horizontal list layout (example), or what Linaro has been doing across their pages using responsive tiles Zephyr example and 96 Boards example//

<add further feedback here>

Last Author
Last Edited
Jul 15 2020, 9:05 PM

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bfletcher created this object.Jul 15 2020, 9:05 PM

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