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Add names and descriptions to repositories
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Repositories on have no names or description. The text below appears:

All-Projects.git [no description]
All-Users.git [no description]
trusted-firmware-a.git Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 3 weeks
trusted-firmware-m.git Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 4 days

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Needs access to config files (I think). Feel free to reassign to whoever has access.

Any thoughts on this? At the moment if I point potential members at the 'no description'/'unnamed repository' labels are a bit off-putting.

ashutoshksingh closed this task as Resolved.Jun 26 2018, 9:02 AM
ashutoshksingh claimed this task.
ashutoshksingh added a subscriber: abhishek-pandit.

How can we add name? To do it we have to follow best write my essay sites where we are just waiting for those things where we just want to take from description and all which we need. So here are some simple method which tell you to add.