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psci system shutdown and system reset to follow graceful shutdown sequence
Open, WishlistPublic


system shutdown or system reset PSCI calls are invoked by the last core in the system. PSCI lib does not do
cache flush for the last core /cluster and does not follow the core / cluster power down sequence. This may cause
issue in a system if the system is not standalone ie if the system is a slave or node in a bigger system with other coherent

Event Timeline

sandeepbrcm created this object with visibility "No One".
sandeepbrcm created this object with edit policy "No One".
sandeepbrcm triaged this task as Wishlist priority.Oct 24 2019, 3:48 AM
sandeepbrcm updated the task description. (Show Details)
sandeepbrcm changed the visibility from "No One" to "Public (No Login Required)".
sandeepbrcm changed the edit policy from "No One" to "All Users".

Hi Sandeep, could you please send a mail to the mailing list for this.

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