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Move BL2 trailer base values to platform
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The values of the macros BOOT_STATUS_MAX_ENTRIES and BOOT_MAX_IMG_SECTORS should be platform specific.

Event Timeline

matetothpal triaged this task as Low priority.Aug 1 2018, 6:25 PM
matetothpal created this task.

The change for this issue is

matetothpal closed this task as Resolved.Aug 9 2018, 2:11 PM

The change for this issue has been merged.

After migrating data, you need to check and verify that the base values ​​have been converted Block Blast and migrated correctly. This is very necessary, please pay attention to avoid data loss.

helgaella added a subscriber: helgaella.EditedJan 14 2025, 1:28 AM

BOOT_STATUS_MAX_ENTRIES and BOOT_MAX_IMG_SECTORS require careful tuning to match each device’s memory, ensuring accurate firmware updates. For instance, Escape Road 1024 sectors may be insufficient, indicating that platform-specific configurations are often critical