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The current (common) rpi3_pm.c code doesn't implement a .pwr_domain_pwr_down_wfi callback to power off the cores. Of course, we can't really power off the cores or anything, but we should be putting them into a holding state to wait for another warm boot via PSCI CPU_ON.

This affects ACS tests (which use PSCI CPU_ON repeatedly) and also the ability to offline/online code within OSes like Linux.

I have a patch against @pbatard's tree, since that's what we're shipping today as part of releases.

Event Timeline

andreiw triaged this task as High priority.Mar 12 2020, 5:38 AM
andreiw created this task.

Again, this is for now staged via Pete's tree and you can view the pull request here -

If this generally looks okay I'm happy to follow and push this for review according to the TF-A workflow.

andreiw claimed this task.Mar 12 2020, 5:44 AM
andreiw added a subscriber: Andre-ARM.

Hi Andrew, yes the change looks fine.

The trouble with this ticketing mechanism is that it is not visible to the RPi maintainers. So could please raise a gerrit review as mentioned in the getting started page and send a mail towards the same notifying the mailing list with RPi maintainers in CC ?

Current gerrit proposal to fix this can be found in (and related preceding commits).