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Platform: stm32l5xx: Set all NVIC interrupt target to NS
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Background for details:

The RTOS would like to use USART3 interrupt in NS but was not set to NS on STM3L5xcx.

The STM32L5xx does not support NVIC in secure at the moment, just align
with other existing platforms that target all NVIC interrupt to NS.

Event Timeline

Karl triaged this task as Normal priority.Aug 17 2020, 2:03 AM
Karl created this task.
Karl renamed this task from TF-M CI - use stand alone nightly job to build doc to Platform: stm32l5xx: Set all NVIC interrupt target to NS.Aug 17 2020, 2:11 AM
Karl updated the task description. (Show Details)
Karl removed a project: Restricted Project.


The interrupt will trigger in Secure side without this change, but the secure side interrupt of UART3 is a dead loop at the moment.

I can get the NS uart3 to interrupt after this patch applied, and do verify on the STM32L562 board to use uart interrupt for receiving.

Karl closed this task as Resolved.Aug 17 2020, 6:22 AM


Is using USART3 interrupt really important Block Blast at this point?