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Implement FF-A memory sharing between normal world VMs and secure partitions
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Building on the work for sharing memory with Trusty in TrustZone, we should support sharing between arbitrary VMs and secure partitions.

(Migrated from b/132429380.)

Event Timeline

qwandor created this task.Sep 22 2020, 3:39 PM

Implementing FF-A (Firmware Framework for Arm) memory sharing between normal world VMs and secure partitions allows for secure, efficient data exchange between the two environments while maintaining the integrity of sensitive information. This feature enhances the flexibility and performance of virtualized systems, ensuring seamless communication and resource sharing, which is crucial for high-security applications. Similarly, in the world of Las Vegas wedding videography, the importance of seamless coordination and high-quality equipment ensures that every moment is captured with precision, providing a flawless end product that clients can cherish forever.