Assumption: there should be no need for files related to UART etc when logging is disabled (through TFM_PARTITION_LOG_LEVEL_SILENCE being chosen).
When building a project with log level set to TFM_PARTITION_LOG_LEVEL_SILENCE several unnecessary files are still being compiled and included in the binary.
This should be fixed by having these files being conditionally included based on the log level not being TFM_PARTITION_LOG_LEVEL_SILENCE.
Using the following build command on the current master (a0165475447d):
Gives a binary of around ~32kb for tfm_s.bin
Below we can see that around ~2.5kB of this is spent on files related to logging.
~/tfm/trusted-firmware-m/build remotes/us/HEAD ❯ arm-none-eabi-nm --print-size --size-sort bin/tfm_s.elf | rg "^00" | rg "(uart|stdio|USART|UART)" 00010b30 00000004 t ARM_USART_GetCapabilities 00010b46 00000006 t ARM_USART_SetModemControl 00010b34 00000006 t ARM_USART_Transfer 00010dc4 0000000c t ARM_USART1_Control 00010b64 0000000c t ARM_USART1_GetRxCount 00010b58 0000000c t ARM_USART1_GetTxCount 00010dd0 0000000c t ARM_USART1_PowerControl 00010c00 0000000c t ARM_USART1_Send 00010b4c 0000000c t ARM_USART_GetModemStatus 00010b3a 0000000c t ARM_USART_GetStatus 000113dc 00000010 T UARTE0_SPIM0_SPIS0_TWIM0_TWIS0_IRQHandler 000113ec 00000010 T UARTE1_SPIM1_SPIS1_TWIM1_TWIS1_IRQHandler 00010b70 00000014 t ARM_USART1_Uninitialize 00011238 00000018 T nrfx_uarte_tx_in_progress 00010b10 00000020 t ARM_USART_GetVersion 00010ae4 0000002c T stdio_init 00018004 00000038 R Driver_USART1 00010ddc 0000003c t ARM_USART1_Receive 00010c0c 00000040 t ARM_USART1_Initialize 00010b84 0000007c t ARM_USARTx_Send 00011250 000000a4 T nrfx_uarte_tx 000112f4 000000e8 T nrfx_uarte_rx 00010e32 00000102 t uarte_irq_handler 000110fc 0000013c T nrfx_uarte_uninit 00010c4c 00000178 t ARM_USARTx_Control 00010f34 000001c8 T nrfx_uarte_init