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Robin Collin
PublicHow do you release updates on Android APK while keeping the same version in Linux?

krunchyroll created this room.
krunchyroll created this object with visibility "Public (No Login Required)".
krunchyroll created this object with edit policy "Administrators".

To release updates on an Android APK while keeping the same version in Linux, you'll follow similar principles as on any platform, but with Linux-specific tools and workflows:

Side-loading approach:

Build your updated APK on Linux using Android Studio or command-line tools
Distribute the APK directly to users via a website, file server, or enterprise MDM
Install using adb install -r your-app.apk (the -r flag replaces the existing app)

Using F-Droid or alternative stores:

Some alternative app stores have less strict versioning requirements than Google Play
You can publish Crunchyroll Mod APK Premium Unlocked to F-Droid repository with modified metadata

Self-hosted update mechanism:

Implement your own update service in your app
Host your APK files on a Linux server
Use shell scripts with tools like curl or wget to manage deployments

Command-line building with Gradle:
bashCopy./gradlew assembleDebug -PversionCode=10 -PversionName="1.0"

Using build variants in Linux environment:
bashCopy# Create different builds with same version but different application IDs
./gradlew assembleStagingDebug

Remember that keeping the same version number for different builds violates Android's versioning guidelines and will prevent publishing through Google Play. This approach should only be used for testing or enterprise distribution scenarios where you control the entire deployment pipeline.
For Linux-specific testing, you can use Android emulators or connect physical devices via ADB to test your updated APK before distribution.