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AlluxbDiple (Alluxb Diple)
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Feb 7 2024, 7:46 AM (56 w, 1 d)

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Oct 28 2024

AlluxbDiple added a comment to Trusted Firmware Project Roadmaps.

They are crucial for understanding the direction and future plans of the project. These roadmaps can help developers, contributors, and users to understand what features or improvements are coming, and when they can expect them. It’s a great way to keep everyone involved in the project aligned and informed. However, it’s important to remember that roadmaps are subject to change based on various factors such as technical challenges, resource availability, and changing priorities. geometry dash lite

Oct 28 2024, 12:18 PM
AlluxbDiple added a comment to OP-TEE SPMC status.

This is an excellent and comprehensive overview of the OP-TEE SPMC implementation. The document does a great job of explaining the purpose and functionality of the Secure Partition Manager Core (SPMC), its relationship with the Arm FF-A specification, and how it supports the Trusted Services PSA Secure Partitions (SPs). The detailed status of various features and functionalities provides a clear picture of the current state of the implementation. The inclusion of build steps and requirements is also very helpful for anyone looking to work with this implementation. However, it would be beneficial to provide more context or examples for some of the technical terms and acronyms used in the document for readers who may not be familiar with them. Overall, a well-written and informative piece. Great job! geometry dash

Oct 28 2024, 12:18 PM · Trusted Services