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- User Since
- Dec 12 2023, 8:36 AM (65 w, 2 d)
Oct 28 2024
Oct 28 2024
• agiledream added a comment to T989: Support SVE in non-secure world with CTX_INCLUDE_FPREGS=1.
Hello Soby and Olivier, I understand that SPMC functionality primarily, if not entirely, lives in EL3 on systems that do not support S-EL2? Would it make sense to have SVE save and restore in EL3 based on that convention? It may be included into the EL3 SPMC code. As Soby previously indicated, we can utilize DDR carveout to provide more room. Furthermore, platform choosers will be given the option to enable or disable the context save and restoration feature at compile time. At that point, would it be appropriate? doodle jump