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- User Since
- Mar 19 2020, 10:40 AM (258 w, 4 d)
Mar 27 2020
Mar 27 2020
userid0x0 added a comment to T690: BL31 el3_exit is marked as function.
Hi @sandrine-bailleux-arm
Ok, In order to safe iterations.
I plan to suggest a new macro which does the followin
- creates a new section - as func does
- sets the alginment - as func does
- sets the type
- together with the counterpart end??? is sets the .size
. Proposals for names
- func_noabi/endfunc_noabi - a non-abi conformant function
- asmfunc/endasmfunc - a assembly routine/function
- sym/endsym - short, but the name does not imply that it actually creates a block of code/own section
- ...
userid0x0 updated the task description for T698: Page alignment / Debug symbols.
Mar 25 2020
Mar 25 2020
userid0x0 added a comment to T690: BL31 el3_exit is marked as function.
I can try end of the week. Thanks.
Mar 19 2020
Mar 19 2020