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Project History


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Event Timeline

mcarlini created this project.Apr 8 2020, 4:07 PM
mcarlini created this object with edit policy "Custom Policy".
odeprez added a member: qwandor.
odeprez added a member: odeprez.
serbanc added a watcher: serbanc.
qwandor set this project's image to F120404: profile.Jun 19 2020, 3:49 PM
qwandor updated this project's image from F120404: profile to F120405: fa-briefcase-blue.png.
qwandor updated this project's image from F120405: fa-briefcase-blue.png to F120407: profile.
qwandor updated this project's image from F120407: profile to F120410: profile.Jun 19 2020, 3:51 PM
odeprez changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".Jun 25 2020, 8:21 AM