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Running partition index isn't update for IPC
Open, Needs TriagePublic


As part of contributing IPC service to Attestation an issue has been raised:

S interface tests suite of Initial Attestation Service (TFM_ATTEST_TEST_2XXX) are falling:
While Initial Attestation Service is calling ‘psa_hash_setup()’ API (which is part of the library mode) the partition index is 0 and ‘tfm_start_partition()’ returns error.
The global ‘g_spm_partition_db.running_partition_idx’ isn’t update to attestation partition index while library mode (the secure test suite) is calling IPC mode (Attestation Service) that calling library mode (Crypto).

Related PR:

Event Timeline

adeaarm added a project: Restricted Project.Apr 24 2019, 7:47 PM
adeaarm added subscribers: kevin-peng-hao, tamasban.

First, correct the testing result: it's the NS interface tests are failing. Partition index 0 is just the NS world and it is not allowed the "start_partition".

Review the related PR (PR #789) to check what changes have been proposed. slope