Governing Board Meeting Minutes
Collection of the Governing Board meeting minutes
6th May 2020
Membership situation review
Should we limit the number of Platinum Members?
Think we should keep it open. If it makes discussion difficult we can discuss it. Think we are pretty far away from this limit. Think up to 15 could be manageable.
Community Manager proposal
Does this consider promotion on social media? Yes
Training material would be useful. This could be organised by the Community manager.
Suggest to get more inputs to get a long list. Then can look at models (project-type subcontract, call-off hours, part time person). Some things very specific - training development. Get long list, work out the models, estimate effor
Would like to hear on priorities? All linked - can’t do biz dev without marketing etc. Also engineering - should cover that first
Would like to hear some opinions on the mailing list and try to conclude next time.
Open CI Phase2 Status update
Looking to collapse from 11 milestones down to a smaller number
Will be a bi-weekly review and we’ll present the result of that review to the Board.
Hafnium Update
Looks like we might need some more work on CI enablement. Could involve some expenditure.
Licensing update? Would expect this is the first patch we merge
Action to circulate the quotation and ask for a vote.
Mbed TLS Update
TF-A Workshop
Conference Sponsorship Update
26th March 2020
Welcome new members
NXP and Renesas
Open CI Phase2 Quote Review
Quote presentation
What is the test framework? Tests specifically for TF-A written by Arm. They exercise all the interfaces from the normal world. So far a continuous build system has been deployed and performing a boot test on a Juno board.
What manages the test running on the target board? The LAVA framework
Question about Member Boards? Once member board are enabled in LAVA they can be added to CI. Arm is adding Musca A&B. This is base infrastructure.
Should have a separate document on steps for enabling a member board.
Documenting that has been included in the proposal - “How to create own instance of TF CI”, “enabling a board”, “creating a federated instance”
Action: All members to review and comment on the proposal
Hafnium Update
Intent for Hafnium is all segments - not just Android.
Action: Vote on acceptance of proposal to transition Hafnium into TF
5th Feb 2020
GP test suite for OP-TEE
Kick off a formal vote offline and aim for approval before Connect.
Issues with Binaries
Decided to put the binaries in the CoreBoot repository.
MbedTLS update
No major questions after the Board meeting.
Open CI update & next steps
Understand +1 boot result in Gerrit is desirable but this is relatively new in LAVA. For gerrit notification could someone respond on the mailing list to agree to reenable notifications.
Dashboard with SQUAD was evaluated as part of Phase 2 requirements.
Seek board approval at BUD20 face-to-face meeting
Conferences sponsorship & Workshops recap
8th Jan 2020
TF-A CI Status
Git review into Gerrit -> LAVA -> reporting boot result
FVP is not blocking. End to end demo on Juno will trigger review with FW team and can funnel any delta into Phase 2.
Have seen a lot of instabilities on MPS2 platform.
Can take stock in Feb Board meeting on CI work spend.
Will give full update on budget including TF CI engineering spend in Feb Board meeting.
2020 Conference Sponsorship Proposal
Can expect a much higher number of participants in TF-A workshop (since more companies involved). Generally looking into 50-60 for TF-A
Might also have TF-M combined with Mbed TLS/PSA/Crypto
Linaro has run HPC workshop with free Eventbrite membership and it worked well.
6th Nov 2019
OpenCI update:
MPS2 hardware issues. ongoing fixes with Arm
TF-A CI scripts - delivered to Arm to get approval to make them public.
FVP progress is slow. Working to get a longer license available.
FVP testing would be on the remote instance, not possible for developers to run the same test locally (will need to get pointers to root cause from the maintainers), unless they download and agree to the Arm license.
Better than the today situation (completely closed CI), but still not ideal.
QEMU can be a good viable solution. It's on the pipeline for the next round of CI improvements.
Proposal for 2nd phase of CI requirements to be circulated and discussed next time.
ELCE & TF-M Workshop @ Lyon (31st - Nov 1st) recap
Appetite for a similar TF-A workshop happening somewhere mid-2020.
Topics could be both technical and use-cases.
Project Budget and 2020 plans
Project looks healthy so good sponsorship & workshop opportunities for 2020.
A complete picture of opportunities and costs will be prepared for next time.
Next meeting will be Jan 8th 2020
25th Sept 2019
The Trusted Firmware Board met face to face on the 25th September 2019 during Linaro Connect San Diego 2019.
Actions Items review:
TF-A CI work still ongoing against Juno.
Discussed FVP requirements and licensing for those.
Review Charter in the light of OP-TEE transition and see if any change is needed.
Open CI – Next Items
Discussed priorities for next-to-come items.
Discussed how to enable member boards: members are expected to have done due diligence in enabling the board in LAVA or they will ask independently Linaro to do it. Once board is enabled, TF CI supports it.
OP-TEE Update (now part of!)
Presented GlobalPlatform membership and test license options. To be discussed again. is going to create a development fork under to host SPCI development. The fork will be eventually migrated back to assure converge.
Official OP-TEE master remains on GitHub for now.
Conferences Update:
OSFC presence went very well. Engagement with the U-Boot community around secure world evolution.
ELCE coming end of October and TF-M Workshop happening the same week.
Next meeting - November 6th
31st July 2019
The Trusted Firmware Board met on 31st July 2019
Review of the past Action Items:
Flyers are now printed. Join page is now live with slide deck on
TSC Rep names now available
Budget approved via. e-mail vote for initial Open CI work.
Next set of CI requirements presented.
Open CI:
Latest schedule plan on Initial Open CI work presented.
Hardware racking may take longer
Presented future Open CI Work items. Quote will be presented for these work items deck reviewed before presenting at another event next week
TF Workshop still being planned for October. Venue being finalized.
Propose to have the next meeting at Linaro Connect SAN19 23-27 September
5th July 2019
The Trusted Firmware Board met on 5th July 2019
Review of the past Action Items:
Flyers are ready to be printed. Join page is still missing, will work on that throughout July.
TSC Rep names to be communicated.
OP-TEE migration within officially approved upon email vote from the Board.
Vote for TF-A Open CI work to be sent out during July.
Project Budget has been reviewed and it appears healthy.
Open CI:
Schedule plan for initial Open CI work presented with breakdown of milestones and costs.
Agreed to send out a vote via email for formal acceptance
2019 Conferences
TF-M will be at ELC US (no sponsorship). sponsors both OSFC and ELC Europe.
Linaro Connect in San Diego will have usual presentation.
TF Workshop proposed for October. Venue, quotes and date to be finalized. public deck to be reviewed offline. Plan is to attach it to the join page on the website.
Propose to have next meeting at on 31st July to check on progresses on CI, Flyers, ...
05th June 2019
The Trusted Firmware Board met on 5th June 2019.
Review of the past Action Items:
TF-M, TF-A CI requirements provided to Linaro.
Board notified when TF-M CI went live.
Flyer content reviewed with Graphic designer and waiting for Graphic designer to update flyer with design/graphics
Most members confirmed company logo for flyer and other collaterals
Open CI:
Further discussions in the board on this topic.
Linaro presented the phased approach of deploying TF-A CI with some initial estimates. Discussion on why FVP is important for testing, effort involved to enable FVP and requirement to support QEMU in CI. Detailed breakdown of estimates upto FVP support will be provided by Linaro in June.
Agreement that TF-A CI work for general infrastructure leading upto Juno support is anyways required. Board supportive of funding this. Vote over e-mail will be done for formal approval.
TF-M Workshop:
There is a proposal to conduct a TF-M workshop with engineers who are currently collaborating in the project. Gauging interest so far to conduct end of Oct.'19 after ELC Europe.
Flyers Update
An updated version from the graphics designer. To circulate to all board members for review before printing.
2019 Conferences sponsorship
Listed now as sponsor for OSFC and ELC Europe.
Plan to provide flyers and stickers at these events.
Displaying Member Logos will be done in the new members page in
Next meeting
Wed 3rd July, 9am PDT
Binary Contributions Infrastrcuture has been finalized by TSC.
New Actions:
Board members to re-confirm names of TSC reps.
To circulate final version of Flyers before printing
Confirm by e-mail vote to approve funding of TF-A CI work till Juno set up.
08th May 2019
The Trusted Firmware Board met on 8th May 2019.
Review of the past Action Items: TF-M CI is close to completion with MPS2 Board setup; content for Flyers has been created and will be reviewed during the meeting.
The Board approved the first invoice to the project from Linaro, to cover initial setup, TF-M CI and running costs for website/hosting infrastructure.
Discussion around TF-A CI requirements and quote for implementing it. The scope is going to be larger than TF-M CI, but investment in cloud-based infrastructure is lower due to TF-M re-use. Significant additional work to be done - e.g. dashboards. Estimates based on experience. TF-M requirements will be added on top. Intention is still to target end of 2019 to complete the work and have a working TF-A CI in place (on Juno and Arm FVPs).
TF-M CI rollout is almost completed: expect to see MPS2 board jobs running in the next coming days.
TF-M regression tests includes tests for secure services, not just a boot test.
Flyers: Comments have been prepared and almost ready to be published. Intent is to show Member logos on the flyer (upon proper guidance from members). Working with Graphic people to prepare final layout proposal.
Conferences Sponsorship: Board approved to proceed with OSFC Silver sponsorship and ELC-Europe Bronze one. As a result is now listed as sponsor on these two events:
Global Platform option has been dropped since no one was planning to attend the conference.
Board approved to prepare a page on the official website displaying all company members logos.
Board agreed on a next meeting on Wed, 5th June.
03rd April 2019
The Trusted Firmware Board had the face 2 face meeting in Bangkok as part of Linaro Connect.
There was a new member in the meeting making a total of 8 members.
New member was welcomed and the other member representatives were briefly introduced.
Action Items:
- Details on the Binary Contribution Policy is being discussed in TSC
- Proposal on Security Incident Process is also being worked out in TSC
Majority of the time was spent on Trusted Firmware Open CI. An initial version of Trusted Firmware-M Open CI is being deployed this week.
It will be completely hosted in the Linaro Infrastructure. A TF-M patch submitted in the TF-M gerrit will invoke a new build to be created including the patch and a set of regressions tests will be run by LAVA on an MPS2 platform.
There was discussion on where wanted to take the Open CI fro this initial baseline. There some scalibility aspects to support more platforms to be addressed. More configurations, dashboard, static analysis tools can be added in the open CI. There is also effort involved in rolling out the Arm TF-A CI in the Open CI infrastrcuture. It would be good for to own the overall architecture of Open CI. To put this into action, proposal was to have a contractor (say 6 months) to work on this. Next step is to make a Statemeot of Work and present to the board.
There were questions on what scale are we looking at for the CI - 10 or 100 boards? etc. Member board deployment will be allowed. 3rd party board will need board approval.
Several aspects to consider in the SoW. Need to have enough boards so that the patches won't have to wait for long to complete the CI tests. Should have achievalble SoW, so may be have infrastructure in Linaro as the first priority followed by provate instance and then remote labs.
The TF CI will be testing the secure/Trsuted Firmware. The non-secure/RTOS testing is something that can leverage the TF Open CI.
Next topic was a brief heads up on potential projects that might be in Details to be worled out.
Conference Sponsorship was the last item that was discussed.
Considering the budget and the areas and scheule in which the conferences are happening, board supportive of sponsring OSFC in US, ELC Europe and Global Platform event in China. An engineer presenting in Global platform sponsored by trustedfirmware might be an option.
Rest of the agenda had to be discussed for next board meeting as above topics took whole of the allocated time for the board meeting.
06th March 2019
The Trusted Firmware Board met again on Wednesday 6th March 2019.
Members roster is the same as last time with 7 members.
The first topic discussed was the policy for Binary contributions: a simple policy document (not a legal document) has been worked on and will be committed soon as part of the proposed new repository for hosting binary contributions. The current consensus is to have one single repository with potentially separate git submodules for TF-A and TF-M.
An existing permissive binary license may be linked as an example to provide a starting point for contributions.
The policy will cover binaries that are only hosted but not actually used by the Trusted Firwmare project itself. For those, a separate legal discussion might be needed.
Board agrees to hand over to the TSC for deciding the technical details.
The Board then discussed the possibility to sponsor conferences & events throughout the year. Two specific conferences were initailly brought to discussion: OSFC and GP Seminar.
Common consensus is that OSFC2019 is a good opportunity, so the Board will look into reserving a sponsorship slot.
Anyway, in order to have a broader view and decide on the number of annual events to participate and sponsor, it's important to have a full calendar with interesting events and locations. The Board will start creating one and then will have a conversation on which events to sponsor and where.
For Linaro Connect Bangkok, there is a chance of a Trusted Firmware Hackaton session with TF-A and TF-M core maintainers. The Board will look into advertising it.
The Board agreed to fund marketing materials (Stickers and Flyers initially) as a one-off and then monitor the expenses thoughout the year.
The public CI topic was discussed again: current consensus is that Linaro is going to host it, but this is still under discussion and Linaro has to confirm. TF-M and TF-A CI are progressing on different tracks for now, due to different starting points, but the plan is to align them in the long-run. The public CI will also be open to Partners Boards, every new inclusion will be more than welcome (resourcing discussion may be needed).
The Security Incident process was the last topic discussed: currently TF-A has one dedicated process (here), while TF-M has none. There is consensus towards having a single common Security process for both TF-A and TF-M with a single entry point, similarly to what the Kernel project has in place (which distinguish though between security experts mail aliases and disclosure list mail aliases). Partners may want to be included in the process. Action to the TSC to define the technical implications and to propose a process similar to the Linux Kernel one.
Quick project status update for both TF-A and TF-M with no questions.
The Board agreed to organise a F2F meeting in Bagkok during Linaro Connect on Wed3th April.
30th January 2019
The Trusted First Board met on 30th January 2019 for the first time in 2019. There are now seven members in
Five charter changes accepted by Board has been published in - Charter
Technical Steering Committee (TSC) - Responsible for oversight of the technical codebase, the release process and liaison with the technical community. Consists of appointed representatives of the members and TSC will be open for anyone to attend. Technical Steering Committee for both TF-A and TF-M will have two separate TFA/TF-M sections during meetings.
Action: All Members to nominate TSC representatives so that the first TSC meeting can be held by mid-February,
Policy for accepting Binary Files in
Binary FIles might have to be hosted on a separate repo. There should be guidelines for contribution, Licensing consideration and possibly charter updates.
Discusion in the meeting around drafted policy material. Want governing board to be final arbiter. Policy Document might just give broad idea. One of the policies might be to allow binary contribution only for platform specific code. If there are more regular requests for binary contribution, can look at providing guidance on license or even enforce a default license.
It should be upto submitter to prove that they meet the guidelines. If there is a default license put in place, TSC should still approve any binary contribution and Board to approve any binary contribution being made without the default license.
Action: Present draft poilicy to Board
Project Status Update
Question on whether the Secure Partition Manager in Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) and Trusted Firmware-A (TF-A) will be aligned,
The implementation won't be the same due to architectural differences between A and M class cores. However, the goals can remain aligned. A single TSC for both TF-A and TF-M is to remain aligned in the technical front.
Initial TF-A CI would just allow patch to be submitted and will get back with a pass/fail. No worse than what is there today. The logs for any failed tests are pasted to the patch submission by Arm team.
Build artifcats not being kept at the moment not to conceal any information. Can follow up with Linaro infra. team
Issue raised that task in phabricator that are referenced in the TF-M mailing list requires github login.
Action: to work with Linaro team to make phabricator tasks viewable without login.
Clarified that Modularization of TF-M services isn't specific to Zephyr
Project Budget
Propose to review mission statement in the Charter for objectives.
Could sponsor some activity at an open source event.
For some events maybe members can have flyers on their booths that can be distributed
Money spent on a good brochure for booths would be well spent. This would help attract new members.
For TF-M looking at CI system and what kind of static analysis tools could be used. Proposal on possible tools not firmed up yet.
TF-M and TF-A CI being pushed into Linaro infrastructure. Can ask for infrastructure support for more boards.
General agreement on opening up CI to members
Action: Put a flyer mentionning TF-M and TF-A and stickers for any conference. Linaro can get a quote for printing.
Ran out of Trusted Firmware stickers. Linaro can arrange them to be printed again if the Board approves.
Next meeting - 6th of March proposed
Proposal to work with Certification. Lab. as a single organization and give them feedback on their proposals.
Interests from members to focus on different certifications. Need more discussion. If there is enough interest, TSC might liaison with the Labs.
28th November 2018
The Trusted Firmware Board met again on Wednesday 28th November 2018.
Project Charter changes review and discussion on the possibility of making it publicly available. Charter will need to be updated, then published to website.
Proposal to form a Technical Steering Committee which will be self-organized
4+1 charter changes proposed. Will be voted offline via email.
Licensing clarification - does this apply to binary components? Do we approve them individually? Do we need separate repositories? This will be discussed in the next meeting.
Project budget review, approval & ideas: discussed various ideas on investing project budget: sponsored talk/session at Linaro Connect? Additional CI systems? What’s included in the initial scope of work?
One or two boards and maintenance ‘within reason’
Cortex-A migration will be covered by Arm - FVP + one or two Juno boards.
Overall agreement that CI improvements are a good way to spend the budget.
Discussion on the opportunity of spending on engineering effort for accelerating development (especially on TF-M). It's going to be difficult due to the expertise needed.
Platform porting can be a self-contained activity that doesn’t impact core maintainers. BUT platform porting is contentious if to a competitor. It should be company members boards.
The Board should probably define Project Goals first and then directions from there.
Project Contributions Ideas/Plans from members: topic to be evaluate from members for next Board meeting.
The Board agrees to reconvene on Wed 30th Jan.
31st October 2018
The Trusted Firmware project held its own first Board meeting on Wednesday 31st October 2018.
Representatives from all the six founding members were present and everyone gave a brief overview of its involvement into the project.
The Board discussed the possibility of defining metrics for the project success, such as adoption, deliverables, milestones.
TF-A and TF-M are likely to start with different tracks and metrics, due to the different maturity level, but the end goal would be to harmonise them.
The project outbound licensing terms need to take into account the existing inclusion of code from 3rd party projects that are released with a different license with respect to the one covering Trusted Firmware (BSD 3-Clause).
Any new addition of external code from projects that use a license other than the BSD 3-Clause license will need to be fully understood in context and approved by the Board.
The Board agreed to have public summary of meeting minutes to be shared on a dedicated wiki section.
TF-A and TF-M are currently providing monthly status reports publicly available on the blog. Feedbacks to the board on the usefulness of those are welcome.
The formation of a Technical Steering Committee ("TSC") was also discussed and the Board agreed to have one common TSC for both TF-A and TF-M that can have two separate TF-A/TF-M sections during TSC public meetings.
Trusted Firmware already has public mailing lists to discuss project technical topics:
The Board agreed to reconvene on a monthly basis with the next meeting planned by Wednesday 28th November.
- Last Author
- bfletcher
- Last Edited
- Jun 8 2020, 5:01 PM
Event Timeline
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