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/*                                                            /*
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2020, ARM Limited and Contributors.  |   * Copyright (c) 2014-2021, ARM Limited and Contributors. 
 *                                                             *
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause                       * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 */                                                            */

#include <arch.h>                                             #include <arch.h>
#include <asm_macros.S>                                       #include <asm_macros.S>
#include <common/debug.h>                                     #include <common/debug.h>

        .globl  asm_print_str                              |          .globl el2_panic
        .globl  asm_print_hex                              <
        .globl  asm_print_hex_bits                         <
        .globl  asm_print_newline                          <
        .globl  asm_assert                                 <
        .globl  do_panic                                   <
/* Since the max decimal input number is 65536 */          <
#define MAX_DEC_DIVISOR         10000                      <
/* The offset to add to get ascii for numerals '0 - 9' */  <
#define ASCII_OFFSET_NUM        0x30                       <
#if ENABLE_ASSERTIONS                                      <
.section .rodata.assert_str, "aS"                          <
assert_msg1:                                               <
        .asciz "ASSERT: File "                             <
assert_msg2:                                               <
        .asciz " Line "                                    <
        /*                                                 <
         * This macro is intended to be used to print the  <
         * line number in decimal. Used by asm_assert macr <
         * The max number expected is 65536.               <
         * In: x4 = the decimal to print.                  <
         * Clobber: x30, x0, x1, x2, x5, x6                <
         */                                                <
        .macro asm_print_line_dec                          <
        mov     x6, #10         /* Divide by 10 after ever <
        mov     x5, #MAX_DEC_DIVISOR                       <
dec_print_loop:                                            <
        udiv    x0, x4, x5                      /* Get the <
        msub    x4, x0, x5, x4                  /* Find th <
        add     x0, x0, #ASCII_OFFSET_NUM       /* Convert <
        bl      plat_crash_console_putc                    <
        udiv    x5, x5, x6                      /* Reduce  <
        cbnz    x5, dec_print_loop                         <
        .endm                                              <
/* ------------------------------------------------------- <
 * Assertion support in assembly.                          <
 * The below function helps to support assertions in assem <
 * have a C runtime stack. Arguments to the function are : <
 * x0 - File name                                          <
 * x1 - Line no                                            <
 * Clobber list : x30, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6.         <
 * ------------------------------------------------------- <
 */                                                        <
func asm_assert                                            <
#if LOG_LEVEL >= LOG_LEVEL_INFO                            <
        /*                                                 <
         * Only print the output if LOG_LEVEL is higher or <
         * LOG_LEVEL_INFO, which is the default value for  <
         */                                                <
        mov     x5, x0                                     <
        mov     x6, x1                                     <
        /* Ensure the console is initialized */            <
        bl      plat_crash_console_init                    <
        /* Check if the console is initialized */          <
        cbz     x0, _assert_loop                           <
        /* The console is initialized */                   <
        adr     x4, assert_msg1                            <
        bl      asm_print_str                              <
        mov     x4, x5                                     <
        bl      asm_print_str                              <
        adr     x4, assert_msg2                            <
        bl      asm_print_str                              <
        /* Check if line number higher than max permitted  <
        tst     x6, #~0xffff                               <    _assert_loop                               <
        mov     x4, x6                                     <
        asm_print_line_dec                                 <
        bl      plat_crash_console_flush                   <
_assert_loop:                                              <
#endif /* LOG_LEVEL >= LOG_LEVEL_INFO */                   <
        no_ret  plat_panic_handler                         <
endfunc asm_assert                                         <
#endif /* ENABLE_ASSERTIONS */                             <
/*                                                         <
 * This function prints a string from address in x4.       <
 * In: x4 = pointer to string.                             <
 * Clobber: x30, x0, x1, x2, x3                            <
 */                                                        <
func asm_print_str                                         <
        mov     x3, x30                                    <
1:                                                         <
        ldrb    w0, [x4], #0x1                             <
        cbz     x0, 2f                                     <
        bl      plat_crash_console_putc                    <
        b       1b                                         <
2:                                                         <
        ret     x3                                         <
endfunc asm_print_str                                      <
/*                                                         <
 * This function prints a hexadecimal number in x4.        <
 * In: x4 = the hexadecimal to print.                      <
 * Clobber: x30, x0 - x3, x5                               <
 */                                                        <
func asm_print_hex                                         <
        mov     x5, #64  /* No of bits to convert to ascii <
        /* Convert to ascii number of bits in x5 */        <
asm_print_hex_bits:                                        <
        mov     x3, x30                                    <
1:                                                         <
        sub     x5, x5, #4                                 <
        lsrv    x0, x4, x5                                 <
        and     x0, x0, #0xf                               <
        cmp     x0, #0xA                                   <
        b.lo    2f                                         <
        /* Add by 0x27 in addition to ASCII_OFFSET_NUM     <
         * to get ascii for characters 'a - f'.            <
         */                                                <
        add     x0, x0, #0x27                              <
2:                                                         <
        add     x0, x0, #ASCII_OFFSET_NUM                  <
        bl      plat_crash_console_putc                    <
        cbnz    x5, 1b                                     <
        ret     x3                                         <
endfunc asm_print_hex                                      <
/*                                                         <
 * Helper function to print newline to console             <
 * Clobber: x0                                             <
 */                                                        <
func asm_print_newline                                     <
        mov     x0, '\n'                                   <
        b       plat_crash_console_putc                    <
endfunc asm_print_newline                                  <

        /*************************************************            /*************************************************
         * The common implementation of do_panic for all B             * The common implementation of do_panic for all B
         *************************************************             *************************************************

.section .rodata.panic_str, "aS"                              .section .rodata.panic_str, "aS"
        panic_msg: .asciz "PANIC at PC : 0x"                          panic_msg: .asciz "PANIC at PC : 0x"

/* ------------------------------------------------------- <
 * do_panic assumes that it is invoked from a C Runtime En <
 * valid stack exists. This call will not return.          <
 * Clobber list : if CRASH_REPORTING is not enabled then x <
 * ------------------------------------------------------- <
 */                                                        <
/* This is for the non el3 BL stages to compile through */ <
        .weak el3_panic                                    <
        .weak elx_panic                                    <
func do_panic                                              <
#if CRASH_REPORTING                                        <
        str     x0, [sp, #-0x10]!                          <
        mrs     x0, currentel                              <
        ubfx    x0, x0, #MODE_EL_SHIFT, #MODE_EL_WIDTH     <
        cmp     x0, #MODE_EL3                              <
#if !HANDLE_EA_EL3_FIRST                                   <
        ldr     x0, [sp], #0x10                            <
        b.eq    el3_panic                                  <
#else                                                      <    to_panic_common                            <
        /* Check EL the exception taken from */            <
        mrs     x0, spsr_el3                               <
        ubfx    x0, x0, #SPSR_EL_SHIFT, #SPSR_EL_WIDTH     <
        cmp     x0, #MODE_EL3                              <    elx_panic                                  <
        ldr     x0, [sp], #0x10                            <
        b       el3_panic                                  <
to_panic_common:                                           <
        ldr     x0, [sp], #0x10                            <
#endif /* HANDLE_EA_EL3_FIRST */                           <
#endif /* CRASH_REPORTING */                               <
panic_common:                                              <
/*                                                            /*
 * el3_panic will be redefined by the BL31                 |   * el2_panic will be redefined by the
 * crash reporting mechanism (if enabled)                      * crash reporting mechanism (if enabled)
 */                                                            */
el3_panic:                                                 |  el2_panic:
        mov     x6, x30                                               mov     x6, x30
        bl      plat_crash_console_init                               bl      plat_crash_console_init

        /* Check if the console is initialized */                     /* Check if the console is initialized */
        cbz     x0, _panic_handler                                    cbz     x0, _panic_handler

        /* The console is initialized */                              /* The console is initialized */
        adr     x4, panic_msg                                         adr     x4, panic_msg
        bl      asm_print_str                                         bl      asm_print_str
        mov     x4, x6                                                mov     x4, x6

        /* The panic location is lr -4 */                             /* The panic location is lr -4 */
        sub     x4, x4, #4                                            sub     x4, x4, #4
        bl      asm_print_hex                                         bl      asm_print_hex

        /* Print new line */                               <
        bl      asm_print_newline                          <
        bl      plat_crash_console_flush                              bl      plat_crash_console_flush

_panic_handler:                                               _panic_handler:
        /* Pass to plat_panic_handler the address from whe |          /* Pass to plat_panic_handler the address from whe
         * called, not the address of the call from el3_pa |           * called, not the address of the call from el2_pa
        mov     x30, x6                                               mov     x30, x6
        b       plat_panic_handler                                    b       plat_panic_handler
endfunc do_panic                                           <
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Last Edited
Jul 2 2021, 11:04 PM