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Platarmboardfvpfvp Defhvsplatarmboardfvp Rfvp R Defh
Updated 1,365 Days AgoPublic

/*                                                            /*
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2021, ARM Limited and Contributors.      * Copyright (c) 2014-2021, ARM Limited and Contributors. 
 *                                                             *
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause                       * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 */                                                            */

#ifndef FVP_DEF_H                                          |  #ifndef FVP_R_DEF_H
#define FVP_DEF_H                                          |  #define FVP_R_DEF_H

#include <lib/utils_def.h>                                    #include <lib/utils_def.h>

#ifndef FVP_CLUSTER_COUNT                                  |  #ifndef FVP_R_CLUSTER_COUNT
#error "FVP_CLUSTER_COUNT is not set in makefile"          |  #error "FVP_R_CLUSTER_COUNT is not set in makefile"
#endif                                                        #endif

#ifndef FVP_MAX_CPUS_PER_CLUSTER                           |  #ifndef FVP_R_MAX_CPUS_PER_CLUSTER
#error "FVP_MAX_CPUS_PER_CLUSTER is not set in makefile"   |  #error "FVP_R_MAX_CPUS_PER_CLUSTER is not set in makefile"
#endif                                                        #endif

#ifndef FVP_MAX_PE_PER_CPU                                 |  #ifndef FVP_R_MAX_PE_PER_CPU
#error "FVP_MAX_PE_PER_CPU is not set in makefile"         |  #error "FVP_R_MAX_PE_PER_CPU is not set in makefile"
#endif                                                        #endif

#define FVP_PRIMARY_CPU                 0x0                |  #define FVP_R_PRIMARY_CPU                       0x0

/* Defines for the Interconnect build selection */            /* Defines for the Interconnect build selection */
#define FVP_CCI                 1                          |  #define FVP_R_CCI                       1
#define FVP_CCN                 2                          |  #define FVP_R_CCN                       2

/*********************************************************    /*********************************************************
 * Definition of platform soc id                               * Definition of platform soc id
 *********************************************************     *********************************************************
#define FVP_SOC_ID      0                                  |  #define FVP_R_SOC_ID      0

/*********************************************************    /*********************************************************
 * FVP memory map related constants                        |   * FVP_R memory map related constants
 *********************************************************     *********************************************************

#define FLASH1_BASE                     UL(0x0c000000)     |  #define FLASH1_BASE                     UL(0x8c000000)
#define FLASH1_SIZE                     UL(0x04000000)        #define FLASH1_SIZE                     UL(0x04000000)

#define PSRAM_BASE                      UL(0x14000000)     |  #define PSRAM_BASE                      UL(0x94000000)
#define PSRAM_SIZE                      UL(0x04000000)        #define PSRAM_SIZE                      UL(0x04000000)

#define VRAM_BASE                       UL(0x18000000)     |  #define VRAM_BASE                       UL(0x98000000)
#define VRAM_SIZE                       UL(0x02000000)        #define VRAM_SIZE                       UL(0x02000000)

/* Aggregate of all devices in the first GB */                /* Aggregate of all devices in the first GB */
#define DEVICE0_BASE                    UL(0x20000000)     |  #define DEVICE0_BASE                    UL(0xa0000000)
#define DEVICE0_SIZE                    UL(0x0c200000)        #define DEVICE0_SIZE                    UL(0x0c200000)

/*                                                            /*
 *  In case of FVP models with CCN, the CCN register space |   *  In case of FVP_R models with CCN, the CCN register spa
 *  the NSRAM area.                                            *  the NSRAM area.
 */                                                            */
#if FVP_INTERCONNECT_DRIVER == FVP_CCN                     |  #define DEVICE1_BASE                    UL(0xae000000)
#define DEVICE1_BASE                    UL(0x2e000000)     <
#define DEVICE1_SIZE                    UL(0x1A00000)         #define DEVICE1_SIZE                    UL(0x1A00000)
#else                                                      <
#define DEVICE1_BASE                    BASE_GICD_BASE     <

#if GIC_ENABLE_V4_EXTN                                     |  #define NSRAM_BASE                      UL(0xae000000)
/* GICv4 mapping: GICD + CORE_COUNT * 256KB */             <
#define DEVICE1_SIZE                    ((BASE_GICR_BASE - <
                                         (PLATFORM_CORE_CO <
#else                                                      <
/* GICv2 and GICv3 mapping: GICD + CORE_COUNT * 128KB */   <
#define DEVICE1_SIZE                    ((BASE_GICR_BASE - <
                                         (PLATFORM_CORE_CO <
#endif /* GIC_ENABLE_V4_EXTN */                            <
#define NSRAM_BASE                      UL(0x2e000000)     <
#define NSRAM_SIZE                      UL(0x10000)           #define NSRAM_SIZE                      UL(0x10000)
#endif                                                     <
/* Devices in the second GB */                                /* Devices in the second GB */
#define DEVICE2_BASE                    UL(0x7fe00000)     |  #define DEVICE2_BASE                    UL(0xffe00000)
#define DEVICE2_SIZE                    UL(0x00200000)        #define DEVICE2_SIZE                    UL(0x00200000)

#define PCIE_EXP_BASE                   UL(0x40000000)     |  #define PCIE_EXP_BASE                   UL(0xc0000000)
#define TZRNG_BASE                      UL(0x7fe60000)        #define TZRNG_BASE                      UL(0x7fe60000)

/* Non-volatile counters */                                   /* Non-volatile counters */
#define TRUSTED_NVCTR_BASE              UL(0x7fe70000)     |  #define TRUSTED_NVCTR_BASE              UL(0xffe70000)
#define TFW_NVCTR_BASE                  (TRUSTED_NVCTR_BAS    #define TFW_NVCTR_BASE                  (TRUSTED_NVCTR_BAS
#define TFW_NVCTR_SIZE                  UL(4)                 #define TFW_NVCTR_SIZE                  UL(4)
#define NTFW_CTR_BASE                   (TRUSTED_NVCTR_BAS    #define NTFW_CTR_BASE                   (TRUSTED_NVCTR_BAS
#define NTFW_CTR_SIZE                   UL(4)                 #define NTFW_CTR_SIZE                   UL(4)

/* Keys */                                                    /* Keys */
#define SOC_KEYS_BASE                   UL(0x7fe80000)     |  #define SOC_KEYS_BASE                   UL(0xffe80000)
#define TZ_PUB_KEY_HASH_BASE            (SOC_KEYS_BASE + U    #define TZ_PUB_KEY_HASH_BASE            (SOC_KEYS_BASE + U
#define TZ_PUB_KEY_HASH_SIZE            UL(32)                #define TZ_PUB_KEY_HASH_SIZE            UL(32)
#define HU_KEY_BASE                     (SOC_KEYS_BASE + U    #define HU_KEY_BASE                     (SOC_KEYS_BASE + U
#define HU_KEY_SIZE                     UL(16)                #define HU_KEY_SIZE                     UL(16)
#define END_KEY_BASE                    (SOC_KEYS_BASE + U    #define END_KEY_BASE                    (SOC_KEYS_BASE + U
#define END_KEY_SIZE                    UL(32)                #define END_KEY_SIZE                    UL(32)

/* Constants to distinguish FVP type */                    |  /* Constants to distinguish FVP_R type */
#define HBI_BASE_FVP                    U(0x020)           |  #define HBI_BASE_FVP_R                  U(0x020)
#define REV_BASE_FVP_V0                 U(0x0)             |  #define REV_BASE_FVP_R_V0               U(0x0)
#define REV_BASE_FVP_REVC               U(0x2)             |  #define REV_BASE_FVP_R_REVC             U(0x2)
#define HBI_FOUNDATION_FVP              U(0x010)           |  #define HBI_FOUNDATION_FVP_R            U(0x010)
#define REV_FOUNDATION_FVP_V2_0         U(0x0)             |  #define REV_FOUNDATION_FVP_R_V2_0       U(0x0)
#define REV_FOUNDATION_FVP_V2_1         U(0x1)             |  #define REV_FOUNDATION_FVP_R_V2_1       U(0x1)
#define REV_FOUNDATION_FVP_v9_1         U(0x2)             |  #define REV_FOUNDATION_FVP_R_v9_1       U(0x2)
#define REV_FOUNDATION_FVP_v9_6         U(0x3)             |  #define REV_FOUNDATION_FVP_R_v9_6       U(0x3)

#define BLD_GIC_VE_MMAP                 U(0x0)                #define BLD_GIC_VE_MMAP                 U(0x0)
#define BLD_GIC_A53A57_MMAP             U(0x1)                #define BLD_GIC_A53A57_MMAP             U(0x1)

#define ARCH_MODEL                      U(0x1)                #define ARCH_MODEL                      U(0x1)

/* FVP Power controller base address*/                     |  /* FVP_R Power controller base address*/
#define PWRC_BASE                       UL(0x1c100000)        #define PWRC_BASE                       UL(0x1c100000)

/* FVP SP804 timer frequency is 35 MHz*/                   |  /* FVP_R SP804 timer frequency is 35 MHz*/
#define SP804_TIMER_CLKMULT             1                     #define SP804_TIMER_CLKMULT             1
#define SP804_TIMER_CLKDIV              35                    #define SP804_TIMER_CLKDIV              35

/* SP810 controller. FVP specific flags */                 |  /* SP810 controller. FVP_R specific flags */
#define FVP_SP810_CTRL_TIM0_OV          BIT_32(16)         |  #define FVP_R_SP810_CTRL_TIM0_OV                BIT_32(16)
#define FVP_SP810_CTRL_TIM1_OV          BIT_32(18)         |  #define FVP_R_SP810_CTRL_TIM1_OV                BIT_32(18)
#define FVP_SP810_CTRL_TIM2_OV          BIT_32(20)         |  #define FVP_R_SP810_CTRL_TIM2_OV                BIT_32(20)
#define FVP_SP810_CTRL_TIM3_OV          BIT_32(22)         |  #define FVP_R_SP810_CTRL_TIM3_OV                BIT_32(22)
/********************************************************* <
 * GIC & interrupt handling related constants              <
 ********************************************************* <
/* VE compatible GIC memory map */                         <
#define VE_GICD_BASE                    UL(0x2c001000)     <
#define VE_GICC_BASE                    UL(0x2c002000)     <
#define VE_GICH_BASE                    UL(0x2c004000)     <
#define VE_GICV_BASE                    UL(0x2c006000)     <
/* Base FVP compatible GIC memory map */                   <
#define BASE_GICD_BASE                  UL(0x2f000000)     <
#define BASE_GICD_SIZE                  UL(0x10000)        <
#define BASE_GICR_BASE                  UL(0x2f100000)     <
#if GIC_ENABLE_V4_EXTN                                     <
/* GICv4 redistributor size: 256KB */                      <
#define BASE_GICR_SIZE                  UL(0x40000)        <
#else                                                      <
#define BASE_GICR_SIZE                  UL(0x20000)        <
#endif /* GIC_ENABLE_V4_EXTN */                            <
#define BASE_GICC_BASE                  UL(0x2c000000)     <
#define BASE_GICH_BASE                  UL(0x2c010000)     <
#define BASE_GICV_BASE                  UL(0x2c02f000)     <
#define FVP_IRQ_TZ_WDOG                 56                 <
#define FVP_IRQ_SEC_SYS_TIMER           57                 <
/********************************************************* <
 * TrustZone address space controller related constants    <
 ********************************************************* <
/* NSAIDs used by devices in TZC filter 0 on FVP */        <
#define FVP_NSAID_DEFAULT               0                  <
#define FVP_NSAID_PCI                   1                  <
#define FVP_NSAID_VIRTIO                8  /* from FVP v5. <
#define FVP_NSAID_AP                    9  /* Application  <
#define FVP_NSAID_VIRTIO_OLD            15 /* until FVP v5 <
/* NSAIDs used by devices in TZC filter 2 on FVP */        <
#define FVP_NSAID_HDLCD0                2                  <
#define FVP_NSAID_CLCD                  7                  <
/********************************************************* <
 * Memprotect definitions                                  <
 ********************************************************* <
/* PSCI memory protect definitions:                        <
 * This variable is stored in a non-secure flash because s <
 * platforms do not have secure NVRAM. Real systems that p <
 * support must use a secure NVRAM to store the PSCI MEM_P <
 */                                                        <
#define PLAT_ARM_MEM_PROT_ADDR          (V2M_FLASH0_BASE + <
                                         V2M_FLASH0_SIZE - <

#endif /* FVP_DEF_H */                                     |  #endif /* FVP_R_DEF_H */
Last Author
Last Edited
Jul 2 2021, 10:42 PM