TSC Meeting Minutes
TSC Meeting Minutes
Feb 14, 2019
- Bill Mills
- Joakim
- Abhishek
- David Z
- Bill F
- Soby Mathew (ARM)
- Christian
- Julius
- Eric
- Andy G
- Julius
Christian - Cypress
Abhishek - Arm
Dan - Arm
David Z - Linaro
Bill M - TI
Mark - TI
Andy - Linaro
Bill F - Linaro
Eric - STM
Joakim - Linaro
Julius - Google
Soby - Arm (standing in for Dan)
TSC structure
- TSC charter, responsibilities & roles (in addition to https://www.trustedfirmware.org/docs/Trusted_Firmware_Charter_v_2019-01-21.pdf)
- Nominations for chair & any other roles
- Subcommittees, working groups etc
- Communication, mailing lists etc
(Non) Confidentiality
- Agenda & minutes visibility (public?)
- Attendee restriction (open?)
- TSC meeting (monthly?)
- TFA/TFM Technical meetings (weekly/fortnightly ?)
- Technical topics if time permits :
- Call for topics – please add if you already have any specific topics for discussion.
TSC Structure
- [Abish] Zephyr like structure
- [Eric] Overall direction. TSC look at proposed roadmap to ensure consistency with project mandate
- TSC as mainly a conflict resolution tool
- Technical decisions/resolutions
- Detail charter to put on a shareable place
- Nominations for Chair of TSC
- Set a deadline?
- Deadline: Linaro Connect BKK
- Chair/Role objective - Long Term alignment between A and M
- Should there be an additional role for a person to look into both sub projects for alignment
- Currently there is a technical meeting every two weeks
- Approval/Disapproval
- [Abhi] Propose this sub-role
- [Matteo] TSC should be a single TSC to drive toward commonality
- [Bill M] are we ‘over-designing’?
- [Matteo] create the overhead as needed, not in advance
- [Abhi] Keep current structure and add overhead as needed -To be put into the TSC charter proposal
- Subcommittees
- Should there be subcommittees to look at smaller issues of alignment, them bring to the TSC
- Communication for TSC
- [Abhi] Are these sufficient?
- Phabricator
- Mailing list
- Yes, sufficient for now
- [Abhi] Are these sufficient?
- Confidentiality
- [Abhi] Public/Private?
- [Joakim] Should be as open as possible if it is a fully Open S project
- [Christian] Publicity to be under discretion of leadership
- [Abhi] Charter and meeting attendance by invitation only
- [Joakim] Roadmaps and project planning, TSC output to be public
- Incident Response plan
- Not discussed by board yet
- [Matteo] TF-A has a response plan in place - to be discussed with board
- [Abhi] For next TSC meeting there needs to be an agenda or meeting will be cancelled
- Input requested from TSC members
- Shared via Mailing list
- [Matteo] Roles and Responsibilities between TSC and Board
- [Abhi] TSC to bring proposals to Board
- [Abhi] Any desire for discussion at Embedded World?
- Reach out to Shebu if needed.
- [DZ] Next TSC - March 14
- [Julius] When will Subcommittees be set up?
- [Abhi] Meetings to be scheduled over TSC email
- [Abhoi] 2 mailing lists
- 1 TSC list should remain private
- Additional TSC mailing list for public
- [Matteo] Roles and Responsibilities between TSC and Board
- Last Author
- • dzinman
- Last Edited
- Feb 19 2019, 2:04 PM
Event Timeline
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In order to steer a company or its parts in the right direction, it's common practice to form steering committees made up of senior IT experts. basketball stars